Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Baby is Born!

A Baby is Born!

How Babies are Born

fetal development at 38 weeks illustration
Do you have a little brother or sister? Do you remember when your mommy had them? It's best when the baby is born naturally. Sometimes your baby brother or sister can't be born naturally though. The baby might be sick or mommy might be sick. That's when doctors help. If the baby needs to come out a different way.

 Look at the baby still inside mommy, it seems pretty squished in there! The baby looks ready to come into the world and meet you, big brother or big sister!

When baby can't come out naturally skilled doctors need to cut the baby out. It's called a cesarean section or c-section. You can think of it as coming through an open window instead of using the door. Mommy can't feel any pain when the doctor does this because she has special medicine that makes her feel like she's asleep. A deep sleep like sleeping beauty. The doctor make a cut along the top of mommy's pants, and then into where the baby has been growing. 

paa-la-8-months-postpartum.jpg When mommy comes back from the hospital you may ask to see her cut. Be careful not to touch though, only look, it hurts just like when you get a cut. Welcome her home with a gentle hug. Be sure to be extra helpful getting your mommy things when she's back from the hospital because she will sill feel ouchie, but it will go away with time. Just like when you get an owie yours heals up. When the cut heals she'll have a scar. Here's a picture of a mommy with her little girl. Look closely, you can see her scar above her undies. That is where her daughter came through when she was born.

Image #1: <a href=""><img src="" alt="fetal development at 38 weeks illustration" /></a>

Image #2:

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