Thursday, December 5, 2013

Childhood Obesity



            When I was a young boy I remember my childhood in great detail. After a hard day at school, I would go out and enjoy myself. I would hang out with my friends playing any sport, mainly football and baseball. There was never a sunny day that you would catch me inside playing mindless video games. However, today in America many children are sitting on their rear ends just playing these games. Due to this now many of our countries youth are finding themselves out of shape and overweight. To paint a picture for you 18% of children aged 6-11 are now obese. These are pretty extreme numbers consider it has jumped 10% in the past twenty years. What we need to do now is figure out the problem and find a solution to correct it.

            To begin I would like to tell you what you should know about my topic. Is it a coincidence that with the increase of video games leads to childhood obesity? It could be, however studies have showed that when children play video games there appetites increase cause them to consume more snacks and treats. Now, I am the last person that would say I don’t enjoy my occasional cookie every once in a while. However not that regularly. What kids are doing today is eating a bunch of this junk food, and not exercising, causing them to become obese. What we all need to do is get you kids up and active to avoid the obesity that could follow.

            Now some people may think that all of these facts are over exaggerated and this isn’t happening, but the facts are there. The youth today need to worry about this because it will affect them in years to come. The same habits that stick with you as a child, stay with you as you grow up into a young adult. For example, as a kid I use to bite my nails. This nasty habit stuck with me up until my early teens, all because I didn’t break the habit right away. This compares to a child’s eating habits because they will continue to keep these bad habits. We need to present the issue so that we can get these kids up and more active in order to live long and healthy live. Also, on a side note when you get to high school not many cheerleaders want to go prom with a chubby video game nerd, sorry but it’s the truth.

            What I am hoping to accomplish by this blog is to motivate kids to get up and exercise! There are many clubs already in existence to help this happen. Most notably is the Play 60 organization in the NFL. They are presenting a case of child hood obesity and as there slogan states “wants kids to get up and play an hour a day”. My main goal is to make sure kids grow up and live long happy lives. Due to modern technology life spans are increasing into there 80’s and in many cases there 90’s. I don’t know about the majority of children, but I plan to spend as long as I can on this planet and it all starts with eating right and going outside and exercising.

            Hopefully you know see there is a problem with childhood obesity. I hope that I have presented you with enough information to see that there is a problem and that it’s not too late to change. The faster it is stopped and prevented the faster the problem will be extinct.


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