Wednesday, December 4, 2013

A Upcoming Threat- Ocean Pollution

Imagine going to the beach with your family, and the moment you step on the beach all you see is a clear blue sky, golden speckled sand, and crystal blue water. The first thing you say to your mom and dad is "This place is awesome!" Now imagine a beach where as you step onto it the sand contains large amounts of trash scattered among it, the air looks thick and muggy causing it hard to see a great distance, and the waves contain a massive amount of trash floating in it. This is what is known as ocean pollution. Plastic Doesn't Belong In Our Oceans, But In Recycle Bins*(1). Some people seem to forget that by not throwing out your trash is starting to take a toll on our beaches. 20 percent of this pollution comes from ships at sea * (2). This is stating that many of the pollution is coming from the people out at sea and is going highly unnoticed. If we keep this up, we are not going to have any beaches to go to and enjoy.

Image courtesy of

In the image above you can tell that this a massive problem that is starting to take a large effect on our beaches. Not only is it plastics, but it is also trash and other materials that if not disposed the right way can end up in the ocean. Another 20 percent of people say that they do not care if their trash ends up in the ocean* (2). This tells us that it not just the people out at sea but it is us too causing the destruction to our oceans. One way to rid this problem is to place trash and recycle cans on the beach to deter it from going into the ocean. In some locations, city council workers have placed the cans on the beach to prevent ocean pollution happening on their beach. They also have city council clean-up crews that clean and take care of the beach the best of their ability.

The Pacific Ocean is the biggest landfill in the world * (2). As the video explains, one of the biggest garage pile-ups is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. It is about the size of Eastern Australia, which is equivalent to twice the size of Texas. This raises a big concern for the animals that occupy the Pacific. The video is raising awareness on what the effects of not throwing away your trash can lead to. People forget to wonder that when they litter the path their trash is going to take. The next time you see someone litter you should tell them why it is bad and the consequences it has on the environment, especially our oceans.

It is having an even greater effect on the animals that occupy the ocean that call it home. Ocean animals' habitats are being taking over by clumps of trash which is destroying their homes causing them to leave. Some are getting stuck in the clumps and having their lives taken. This is taking lives of innocent animals and needs to stop at once. The life of animals is being messed with and should not be taken lightly .All these animals being involved, you would think people would want to make awareness and help with the destruction of killing animals.   

Hopefully now you know the dangers of what ocean pollution can really do. Bringing awareness to people will help stop this problem. If not, this problem will grow until there is nothing we can do to help. We only have one planet and one ocean. Once we destroy it entirely, there is no bringing it back



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