Friday, December 6, 2013

Deforestation and the 3 Rs

    Lions, Tigers, and Bears. Oh my!
    Everyday trees are cut down all over the world. Every minute 100 trees are cut down! These trees are cut down for many reasons. The trees are cut down to make space for buildings, farming fields, and highways. The trees are also used for resources such as folders and paper. The problem with cutting down these trees it that it takes the habitiats (homes) away from many animals. For example if you were to cut down a mautre (grown up) oak tree, you could be taking away up to 480 species of animals homes.
    The world has many endanagered speices but today we will focus on the top 5.
    1.  The Ivory-billed Woodpecker (less than 5)
    2. Amur Leopard (40)
      This is a Ivory-billed Woodpecker , there are thought to be less than 5 left in the world. 
    3. Javan Rhinoceros (40-60)
    4. Northern Sportive Lemur (18 non captivity)
    5. North Atlantic Right Whale (350)
    What YOU can do to help save these animals...
    5 ways to help these beautiful animals
    (recycling tips from
    • Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. By doing this you will help to lower the amount of resources taken from all over the world, including trees.
    • Spread the word. Tell all of your friends and family to help reduce the amount of wasted resources.
    • Take the time to clean up. Go to your local park with your class or parents (guardian) and pick up trash and recycle and dispose of it properly.
    • Start using less paper. Try to do as many tasks online and offer to email your homework to your teacher.
    • Reuse water bottles. Instead of just grabbing a new water when you're finished with it just simply refill it and use the same bottle over again.


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