Thursday, December 5, 2013

AIR POLLUTION - 5 Ways You Can Help!

Air Pollution 

5 ways you can help!

Air pollution is anything that goes into the air that has an affect on us or the environment. What we put into the air is damaging our atmosphere and even hurting us. Have you ever gone into the city and had a hard time taking fresh air in? Breathing in toxic chemicals released from cars and factories can cause people to have issues breathing such as bad asthma and even more serious problems like cancer. Another  problem from air pollution is the creation of greenhouse gases which traps the sun's rays into the Earth causing a phenomenon called global warming which is heating up the Earth surface. Do you know those days during the summer when you can't even go outside to play because its so hot? Global warming causes our temperature's year round to get hotter than ever before... which is also melting our polar ice caps. This leaves animals such as the polar bear stranded with no land to walk on. As you can see, air pollution is causing health problems for people and the heating of the earth is causing problems for the atmosphere and the animals living in it.
The good news is, scientists are researching ways to reduce air pollution everyday and our air is actually starting to look cleaner then ever before! But the scientists need your help. It is important that factories and car manufacturers change their ways however, ordinary people like you need to play your part in reducing air pollution also. Here are five ways that you and your family can make a difference:

1. Don't waste electric

Most houses run off of electricity produced from power companies that your parents pay for. These power companies burn fossil fuels to create power. During this process harmful chemicals and toxins are released into the environment. The longer electricity is left on the more your parent's are spending on their electric bill and more fossil fuels are being burned. When you go to sleep at night do you leave your computer turned on? That's wasting electric. It doesn't take a lot of effort to flip off a light switch before leaving the house, or to turn off the tv when your not in the room. By taking these small steps you'll be saving your parents money and saving your air!

2. It's just to hot

Almost all houses rely on the burning of fossil fuels to warm up their houses during the winter. Whether your house has a furnace or boiler system they both use the burning of fossil fuels to heat up oil or natural gas which emits large amounts of carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide in large amounts becomes a greenhouse gas contributing to global warming. Of course turning up your heat will keep your house warm and you can walk around comfortably in shorts and a t-shirt but it's just not necessary. Ask your parents to turn down the heat and bundle up! 
After all your only helping yourself.                                      

3. Take the bus

I know, sometimes sleeping in late and getting a ride from mom can make the day a little bit better. But every time your mom or dad drives they are releasing dangerous emissions from your car into the atmosphere. Your parent's tax money pays for the bus to come to your house and pick you up in the morning. By riding the bus you get to see your friends every morning and can consider yourself a local hero! Also you can ride your bike to a friends house on the weekend rather than your mom dropping you off or if you have something else to do see if a friend's parents can carpool!

4. Changing your lights is a good idea 

Using incandescent lights in a home is very common. Ask your parents what type of light bulbs are in your light fixtures and bedroom lamps. Fluorescent light bulbs require much less energy and most of the time they are less expensive. Also for outdoor lights a switch can be made to using solar energy. During the day small solar panels collect energy from the sun's rays and convert it into light energy by night. Solar energy lights can also be used in a house if placed near a sunny window. 

5. Watch those CFC's 

Chlorofluorocarbons, known as CFC's are made up of carbon, fluorine, and chlorine atoms. CFC's are very damaging to the ozone layer and play a huge part in global warming. So why do we still use them? Well, people are very dependent on them as coolants in things like air conditioning and refrigerator systems. They are also used a propellants in aerosols or cans that spray things. The list goes on and on. You can help by using fans rather then air conditioning on days that it's not really needed. Also, make sure your refrigerator door is always closed all the way, the more cool air it releases the more CFC's are released in the production of making it cold again. You can also help by avoiding the aerosol cans like hair spray, or spray paint. Next time your shopping with your mom ask her to buy an alternative like hair spray in a plastic squirt container or paint in a can instead. 

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