Friday, December 6, 2013

Government Surveillance

Government Surveillance

Imagine a world where every single text, email, phone call and social media page, is being read or listened too by the United States Government. Well, unfortunately you don't have to imagine this world because that's is the world we live in today. Today anytime you want to call your friend about hanging out, or going to the mall, the government will be listening. Government Surveillance is very important in protecting America. Why? Surveillance is important because it gives the government ways to listen and protect America from any terrorist attacks like the ones that happened on September 11th, 2001. September 11th was a horrible day for America and all of its citizens. On this day in 2001, 3 planes were taken and used to attack 2 major buildings in America. The World Trade Centre in New York City, also known as the twin towers, and the Pentagon in Washington D.C. The third plane was taken down by passengers and crashed in a field in Pennsylvania. Many people lost their liefs on this day. The biggest death toll came from the world trade centre, around 2,000 people were killed in the attacks on the towers. 9-11 was a very sad day all around America and government surveillance is something that is here to make sure that nothing like this ever happens during your life time. Its here to protect you and to makes sure people you love are never hurt.
Government Surveillance makes defending our country easier for the government because they can listen in to people they believe could be a problem and make sure that nothing is going on. Government Surveillance really became a major area of our government after 9/11. The Patriot Act, that was created in light of the events, gave major adjustments to the surveillance aspect of the government. The government could now listen to almost every phone call or read every email for every person in the United States. The Patriot Act states, Allows law enforcement to use surveillance against more crimes of terror. Before the Patriot Act, courts could permit law enforcement to conduct electronic surveillance to investigate many ordinary, non-terrorism crimes, such as drug crimes, mail fraud, and passport fraud. Agents also could obtain wiretaps to investigate some, but not all, of the crimes that terrorists often commit. The Act enabled investigators to gather information when looking into the full range of terrorism-related crimes, including: chemical-weapons offenses, the use of weapons of mass destruction, killing Americans abroad, and terrorism financing” (US Government, 2001). The patriot act made sure that nothing would happen again. With the Patriot Act, the government can make sure no attack can happen again on America. It can make sure that no one is ever planning to use weapons of mass destruction on America.

Government Surveillance is there to protect everyone in America. In my opinion I think we need surveillance. Sure, half of america disprove because it is a invasion on their private space. In order to be protected by the american government they need us to give up some freedoms. Freedom comes at a price and the only way to make sure we are free is if the government can do everything that they have to. Government can't focus the way it needs to if they people do not back it up and believe in the programs they are running.
Government Surveillance is important in America to be able to protect us. It makes sure to listen to phone class and read emails and ext messages. This is important to make sure that no one attacks America from the inside of the country and to make sure nothing like the attacks on 9-11 ever happen again.

The USA Patriot Act: Preserving Life and Liberty. (2001) Retrieved from

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